UGA Press Hires New Fiscal Affairs Manager and Acquisitions Editor

The University of Georgia Press welcomes two new staff members this summer: Sonja Eklund Hubbard, fiscal affairs manager, and Sarah Shermyen, acquisitions editor.

Sonja Hubbard comes to the Press with a lengthy and diverse background in financial leadership and management. Currently a commercial loan specialist at Mphasis (Chase Bank), she has over 16 years of business experience in both academic and public-facing units of the University of Georgia, including the Performing Arts Center, Crop and Soil Sciences, and Chemistry, where she worked with faculty textbook authors. Sonja holds an MBA in accounting from Mercer University and bachelor’s degrees in economics and biology from UGA. Her first day is Monday, June 24.

Sarah Shermyen joins the Press fresh off a two-year stint as a graduate editor at The Georgia Review—where she worked with both prose and poetry—and the successful defense of her dissertation, “A Swamp Pastoral: Writing Florida into the American Imagination.” She has also spent time honing her editorial skills at Union Literary Agency, Columbia University Press, and W.W. Norton & Co. Her own writing—both scholarship and fiction—has appeared in Studies in American Humor, Image Journal, and The Georgia Review. In addition to her University of Georgia PhD, Sarah holds a BA in English from Barnard College. Her first day is Monday, July 1.

“I’m delighted at the outcome of these two recent searches,” shares UGA Press director Lisa Bayer. “Sarah and Sonja will bring fresh insights and solid experience to the considerable strengths of the Press team as we continue to publish excellent scholarly, literary, and regional books for serious readers.”

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